Description of what the blog is

Welcome fans of YA fiction. Let's read and discuss some books!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Post! Oh My!

Hi everyone!

What we'd like to do with this blog is create a place where teens in Mars can come to share their favorite books and discuss teen/YA fiction in a book club-like environment.  Only you know, on the internet, the VIRTUAL FRONTIER, and not in plain old real life.

We want to start off slow in order to feel everything out and gain some members of our AWESOME NEW CLUB, so at first we're gong to try reading one book together and also have periodic chats about a few different genres or types of books.

As you may imagine, librarians LOVE to recommend books, so I am pretty excited about all of this.

The book we have chosen to discuss first is The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman.  It's about a girl who works for a library, but not an ordinary one.  This library loans objects and some are MAGICAL.  You heard me.  Sounds awesome, right? 

There are three copies of this book available to our library.  Stop in and ask us to reserve a copy for you today, or go to our website (a link to which is handily located on the left sidebar of this page) and place The Grimm Legacy on hold for yourself.

We will shortly be announcing the date on which we will begin discussing this amazing book.  Don't worry if you can't finish the book before then, discussions will be ongoing and can be participated in at ANY TIME!